Our work with MSR on NVM Test Beds
The final version of our paper for ACTEMT: Workshop on the Application of Communication Theory to Emerging Memory Technologies is available online. We wrote the paper with John Davis from…
The final version of our paper for ACTEMT: Workshop on the Application of Communication Theory to Emerging Memory Technologies is available online. We wrote the paper with John Davis from…
We’ve been working with the folks at CMRR as they develop new error correction and data coding schemes for flash and other non-volatile memories. The most recent product of that work is…
The NVSL and CMRR had a strong presence again this year at the Flash Memory Summit. There were four talks in total. On the NVSL side, Michael Wei presented our experience…
The paper describing our high-performance, PCIe-attached storageg (called Moneta) has been accepted for publication at Micro 2010! Hurrah! Great work Adrian, Arup, Joel, and Todor.
Steve and CMU’s Dave Anderson have a short article in the July/August issue of IEEE Micro on the approaches to using flash memory in the data center. Treating flash as…