I am a Ph.D. candidate in the NVSL Lab at CSE Department, UC San Diego. I received my M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of Technology. I’ve been working on building software toolchains aiming to ease the persistent memory programming with confidence. My areas of interest include programming library/API design, programming languages, compilers, system programming, and finding machine-checkable solutions for formal verification of software applications. My current research is on a statically checked Rust library for programming persistent data structures.
Corundum: Statically-Enforced Persistent Memory Safety
Ziggurat: a tiered file system for non-volatile main memories and disks
AutoTiering: Automatic Data Placement Manager in Multi-Tier All-Flash Datacenter
H-NVMe: A hybrid framework of NVMe-based storage system in cloud computing environment
Reducing access latency of MLC PCMs through line striping