Hongzhong Zheng
Demand is rapidly escalating for higher-performing, more energy-efficient memory and storage for applications ranging from mobile devices to the cloud. This has serious implications for the open server platform. DRAM faces a major overhaul that will demand new system architectures. Meanwhile, V-NAND, a vertical 3-D NAND flash technology, is offering both higher endurance and smaller cell sizes, in leading the way to substantive changes in system design. Furthermore, other technologies are on the horizon that together will enable a new generation of “persistent” memory devices. They will have even higher performance than today’s devices and will enable a new tier in both memory and storage architectures.
Hongzhong Zheng received the BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering and computer science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, and the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2009. He is currently a memory system architect at System Architecture Labs of Samsung Semiconductor Inc. He has extensive experience of novel memory system architecture with DRAM and emerging memory technologies, computer architecture and system performance modeling, energy-efficient computing system designs etc. He had more than 15 patents (including issued and pending applications), and more than 10 peer reviewed papers published in top journals and conferences. He is a member of the ACM and the IEEE.
12:30pm, 3 December 2013 in CSE 4140